The Section 2 Harrier
Donor List

      I would like to thank everyone for their generosity in their support of The Section 2 Harrier. I do the website for the love for the sport and to support all of the athletes that put in the time and hard work that unfortunately doesn't always get the recognition in our local papers that they deserve. No other sport (cross country and track) in Section 2 churns out as many state championship teams and individuals and they deserve to be noticed.

     Unfortunately most things in life aren't free. Webhosting and keeping the domain name costs money.

     This started as a newsletter in the mid 1990's when I once called a newspaper to give them the results of the Colonial Council Championships in cross country and after I gave her three names she said, "I think that's all we need." and I said, "No, it isn't." She then took ten names from me for both boys and girls and they were all in the paper the next day. That's when I decided our athletes deserved more. It has morphed to this and it hasn't changed much since I started the site. I've toyed with the idea of more bells and whistles but by a large majority people just want results that are easy to find and navigate so I keep it that way for all of you. 

     So for everyone that has given your support, you deserve to be recognized for all of your help. You have no idea how much it has helped.

     If you haven't given yet, please try if you can. Just go here and you can donate through Venmo (@coachemon), Paypal, or send a donation. Once again, thank you for all of your support through the years and hopefully we can keep it going for many more.

       Jonathan Broderick


Here's to the most awesome and coolest people on Earth

The 2024 Awesome List


Charlie Karker Robert Galinsky Anthony Holston
Ed Neiles Robin Amy Muse Anonymous
Erin Coffin Hallwear Inc. Brendan Guere
Donna Wilkes Dale Broomhead Anonymous
Girish Ramanathan Lisa Paparone Andrew Houghtalen
Anonymous Tyler Ronan Devyn Fernandez
David Weiss John Leonard Paul Rosenberg
Jacob Colwell Anonymous Andrea Barnhart
Robert Underwood Capital RegionTrack and Field
and Cross Country Hall of Fame
James Poole
Richard Clark Richard Pulver Anonymous
Scott Smith Chip Button David Kosier
Ryan Jones Normanskill Meadows Don Gallagher

If I missed a name, misspelled a name, or if you would like to listed as anonymous please let me know at